The list of current members of the Society’s Panel of Visiting Conductors can be downloaded here:

SRP Panel of Visiting Conductors list June 2024

Each Branch of the Society of Recorder Players is entitled to claim financial support from the Society towards some of the costs of one visit in each year commencing 1st September from a member of the Society’s Panel of Visiting Conductors.  The Branch should normally make payment direct to the Visiting Conductor and then claim appropriate reimbursement from the Society. Exceptionally, following the pandemic, additional visits are authorised between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2024.

The Branch should inform the Society’s Secretary in advance when it wishes to invite a conductor and, if the Branch qualifies, the Secretary will issue a form to serve both as the Branch’s receipt for payment to the Visiting Conductor and as the Branch’s claim for reimbursement from the Society’s Treasurer.

The Branch can claim reimbursement of the conductor’s reasonable travelling expenses, which will normally be a car mileage allowance of 45p per mile or standard class return rail fare.  If the conductor has to travel a great distance and it would be unreasonable to expect them to make the return journey on the same day, the Branch can also reclaim the actual cost of one night’s bed and breakfast for the conductor up to a maximum of £100.  If the conductor’s visit is, for example, combined with a Playing Day and, exceptionally, the conductor needs accommodation both before and after her or his visit, reimbursement for two nights can be considered. If this applies, please mention it to the National Secretary when giving notice of the proposed visit.  When claiming, you will need to provide a receipt for any accommodation costs claimed.

All other hospitality extended to the conductor is the responsibility of the Branch.  This includes reasonable refreshments en route if the conductor is making a long journey, transport from and to the station if the conductor is travelling by train, lunch or evening meal if appropriate, and refreshments during any break in the playing session.

The inviting Branch should ascertain from the conductor before the visit whether a fee is to be paid and, if so, how much.  Payment of any fee is the responsibility of the Branch, but a sum of £75 can be claimed by a branch towards the cost of the fee. If this applies, please mention it to the National Secretary when giving notice of the proposed visit.

Branches are encouraged to consider making maximum use of the skills, talents and time of the Panel members they invite by extending a visit to a full Playing Day or by adding a coaching or similar session.

The Society welcomes feedback from members on all its activities.  Any feedback on the value and operation of the Visiting Conductors scheme, or on the performance of individual conductors (in confidence if appropriate), should be sent to the Secretary.

Last updated 4 June 2024